Thursday, May 15, 2008

Five Weeks Is All...

There is not a whole lot of news to report just yet, so sorry for the lack of reading material. Jess is back from the big bachelorette party in Vegas this past weekend and we are heading out for the bachelor party over memorial day weekend. We're headed to a music festival in lovely Peoria, Illinois. Thankfully, the forecast is for mid 70s and sunny all weekend. Cross your fingers. We'll get some pictures up soon of both of the weekends very soon.

Also, I tried my best to leak the food menu, but Jessica shot that down immediately. Rightfully so, that should probably be a surprise. I will say that I think we nailed the menu. Between Jess's, her dad, mom, sis, and me, I think we have one of the strongest menus in the history of the world. I promise you that we will not disappoint.

You'll be the judge.

In the meantime, here are some more videos.

First up, I stumbled upon this one because I liked this song on a commercial. It turns out some guy used it to propose to his wife via a powerpoint presentation. A little weird, but it seemed appropriate.

Next, here are a few of the bands I'm excited to see this weekend.

We'll see you soon...

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